Friday, September 25, 2009

30 turns to 40

In a few months I turn 40. One of those big milestone birthdays. Over the past couple of days I have been reflecting on this and what I have achieved or not achieved in the last 10 years.

When I turned 30 I wrote a little book about my first thirty years. I am going to share some of it with you. Here is an excerpt. This was the introduction I wrote.

The Intro
Welcome, to the first 30 years of my life. Wow, what a 30 years it has been. Three decades!!!! I discoed through the
70’s, breakdanced my way through the 80’s and slept my way through most of the 90’s. LOL. Things have changed a lot in these three decades ard so have i just check out the picture section. Can you believe some of those pictures???? I can’t!!!
Just in my life time I have seen the advent of computers from the Amstrad and the Commodore 64 to what they are
today I remember having cassettes and LPs most of which I still have. Our first video player didn’t have a infrared remote control it had this 3 metre cord connected to player. We were forever tripping over it. Microwaves were these big, huge contraptions. My mother wouldn’t even let us stay in the same room because she thought we would get radiation poisoning. Mobile phones had these big battery packs you had to carry around with you. So, they weren’t really mobile.
So, I have put together alittie book highlighting some of my life so far. Please remember this a work in progress.
Over the next year I will be adding things as I think of them. This is just the start of chronicling my life for future generations to read!!!!
What do you think? Sorry for the editing but when I cut and pasted it into here I couldn't format it properly.
Maybe I will post some reflections on this piece of writing.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Ok....I have succummbed and become a member of Twitter

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Things I miss about Brisbane

As this is the year of Q150 and Brisbane is celebrating it this weekend. I got to thinking about things I miss about Brisbane. Here is a list of some of the things I miss.

  1. The Coles Cafe in Queen Street
  2. MacDonalds in Broadway foodcourt
  3. Johnny Rockets in the Myer Centre
  4. The Cinema where the NAB is now in Queen Street Mall
  5. The Cinema on Brunswick Street opp Gerties
  6. The T at Toombul Shopping Centre
  7. The old library in the City
  8. Pizza Hut in Queen Street Mall

I will add to this list as I think of more things. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A confession

I have a confession to make. I have become addicted to Neighbours. After watching Jane Hall on the 7pm Project I decided to give Neighbours another go. Twenty years ago when Scott and Charelene were front and centre I was a mad fan of this show.

As time went on and my life moved on I left Neighbours. Occassionly I tired to come back to it but no characters or storylines grabbed my attention.

What bought me back? Well it was Jane Hall. I love her. I loved her on All together now, Henderson Kids and anything else she has been on.